


We help businesses create a position for themselves in a market and allow brands to communicate their core values and share their brand message with their audience by:

  • Creating an identity for the brand from the start.
  • Position the brand and develop the message.
  • Building a brand-centric branding strategy.
  • Create compelling logos.
  • Create brand guidelines for design, style, and tone.
  • Establishing a social media strategy that aligns with the brand’s identity.
  • Curating website content and developing other digital assets to reflect the brand’s identity and voice.


A good brand with strong marketing insures the company!
In traditional and old markets, people's names alone were considered credit, and a market person used to do business based on the credit of his name in the market. But today, after years have passed and people's approach to marketing has changed, brands have replaced people's names. In the definition of brand, it is stated: "It is a symbol that indicates that a service or product is special, and by it, it is distinguished from other products and services in the market compared to competitors." The brand is what distinguishes our company from other companies, which boosts economic activities. A brand is everything that creates an image in the audience's mind of what you have, and making it is not an easy task at all. A person, trade, business and organization that does not have a strong name, element and finally a strong brand, in the new era, is definitely doomed to decline and destruction. Unfortunately, in Iran, less attention has been paid to branding, the reason for this lack of attention is two issues, firstly, there are fewer experts in this field, and secondly, businesses do not have good durability and do not put future foresight on the agenda. The brand name category is vital for professional businesses, those who want to continue in the current market and brand name to guarantee their sales, BRANDING will be a priority for them.

How is the brand made?
Before answering the question of how a brand is created, it is important to know who your brand will be in the hands of to create or even rebuild it. Yoona Marketing advertising center is proud to be in sync with your brand name and identity with an experienced and academic team. Our team, with full knowledge and expertise in the various methods of this field, first conducts a needs assessment and market research about your competitors, and in the next stages, designs the right path or strategy for you to reach a successful commercial brand. We will be with you all the way.

But how are these steps done:
In the first step, we prepare and formulate your brand strategy. In this step, we will try to accurately identify the characteristics of your activity compared to other competitors, in the second step, we will create an integrated identity for the brand in question, in the next step, we will try to present this identity in reliable channels through the services we offer. be introduced The stages and steps of choosing our brand name are not limit ed to these things, we try to create a message and content for your brand, we design and create your visual identity, and we always conduct market research for you so that your brand strategy is The efficiency did not remain open.

The role and impact of marketing on the brand
Perhaps the basic question in this section is how to use a good brand? The answer should be sought in marketing, marketing is one of the effective ways to enter the market. Yoona Marketing advertising center has planned special programs for marketing in addition to the branding category. Our marketing services actually include smaller parts such as how to advertise, know customers, support services and products, and attract customer satisfaction to encourage repeat cooperation with your company and organization. The set of these activities will help you attract new customers and retain old customers. But before all this, we try to design and plan marketing by experts in a way that will help your brand to sell services and products. At Yoona Marketing, we seek to create sustainable sales.

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